DISP Explained by Role

DISP Through Your Lense

Given DISP's broad compliance requirements across Cyber, Personnel and Physical security its implementation impacts various internal teams differently. DISP Co bridges the gap between competing objectives and concerns of your cross-functional teams and ensures all members are supported as your company progresses through this important process.

Trusted by companies Australia wide

DISP Responsibilities By Role

Serving Leaders Across the Board

CTOs & IT Managers – Cyber Security & DISP Membership

Rapidly evolving cyber security landscapes are here to stay. It's our role to ensure companies are...
CTOs & IT Managers – Cyber Security & DISP Membership

Business Development – DISP Membership Opportunities & Challenges

Implementing and maintaining DISP Membership is often a costly and resource intensive process. Business development specialists...
Business Development – DISP Membership Opportunities & Challenges

Chief Compliance Officers – DISP Membership Risks & Maintenance

As the Chief Compliance Officer you are familiar with the never ending and ever increasing standards,...
Chief Compliance Officers – DISP Membership Risks & Maintenance

Directors & CEOs – Understanding DISP Membership

The Defence Industry Security Program is a rapidly growing compliance framework which has surpassed its original...
Directors & CEOs – Understanding DISP Membership

Specialist Defence Industry Security Program Consultants

Why choose DISP Consulting Co


Objective consultants undertaking our obligation to your interests and objectives at every stage.


Laser-focused and goal oriented. Our nimble team will keep you on track.


Fixed-price, predictable fees with clearly defined deliverables and timelines.

DISP Consultancy Solutions

Fast Track DISP Implementation

Offering solutions for DISP Implementation and ongoing support for maintaining compliance. Reduce the time to DISP membership, mitigate risks at reduced costs, and maintain compliance without draining internal resources.

DISP Gap Analysis

Our DISP consultancy begins with a complete audit of existing business processes in the four DISP categories (Governance, Cyber, Personnel,...

CSO & SO Training & Ongoing Compliance Support

As part of DISP’s governance element, companies are obligated to maintain the training of the Chief Security Officer (CSO) and...

DISP Compliance Maintenance Support

Lodgement Of DISP Application

Incorrect lodgement of DISP applications have often cost companies dearly in time, missed contracts, and even disapproval of their DISP...

Designating Chief Security Officer (CSO)

Spearheading Company Security Culture

As part of your Defence Industry Security Program application the department requires the company to designed a Chief Security Officer (CSO). The CSO is required to be a senior company executive, typically with a board position or a director. The CSO’s role is direct responsibility and ownership for the company’s ongoing DISP compliance maintenance to Defence. Additionally, they are required to cultivate and promote the information security culture within the company.

DISP Co advises that designated CSOs obtain at minimum a baseline security clearance to maintain business continuity, though this may not be mandatory depending on the selected DISP Membership Level.

Designating Security Officers (SOs)

Managing Implementation, Enforcing Compliance

Another mandatory role that must be designed is the Security Officer/s (SO). The designated individual must take ownership of the company’s ongoing compliance with the DISP requirements including ongoing reporting, managing of security clearances, and reporting to Defence. The SO also reports directly to the CSO.

Our consultants collaborate directly with the company SO in developing the policies and procedures that make up the DISP Governance component.